PsL Monthly 1994 January
PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (January 1994).iso
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Public (software) Library
January 1994 Monthly CD-ROM
Copyright 1994 Nelson Ford, PsL, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
CRVPLOT.ZIP 324709 10-28-93 CRVPlot (Simply Software, reg. fee: $48) is
| a professional X-Y data plotting and curve
| fitting program with a built-in text editor
| with math functions. It also will read data
| from text files..
EGEN10.ZIP 32386 11-03-93 Equgen 1.0 (Victor Goubanov, reg. fee: $50)
| generates algebraic equations with the
| roots. You define either linear, quadratic,
| or cubic equations, the coefficients and
| roots, level of difficulty (0 to 9), number
| of equations to generate, and mode of
| generation (automatic or with the preview).
MX320.ZIP 180369 11-18-93 Math Extra 3.2 (David Denker, reg. fee:
| $20-30) is a general purpose, programmable
| scientific math program for everyday use.
SPHERIC.ZIP 50846 11-19-93 Spheric 1.0 (J.A.Wrotniak, reg. fee: $30) is
| a spherical geometry calculator and
| navigation aid that allows you to define a
| number of points on the Earth's sphere and
| then perform various calculations involving
| them, such as distance, azimuth, arc
| intersections, etc. Also supports HP95LX
| computers.
PC_ECAP.ZIP 177760 11-15-93 PC-Ecap 3.0 (Peter Volpa, reg. fee: $91-103)
| is an easy to use AC circuit analysis
| program which analyzes circuits consisting
| of resistors, capacitors, inductors,
| transformers, transistors (both bipolar and
| FET's), operational amplifiers and
| transconductance amplifiers. NEW: supports
| HP DeskJets, transient analysis
| calculations, transmission lines as circuit
| elements, and zoom and print features.
PROP19.ZIP 147665 11-09-93 Prop Optimizer 1.90 (Donald R. Bates, reg.
| fee: $72) aids in the designs of propellers
| for experimental, commercial and model
| aircraft. It determines aircraft drag and
| the best propeller for maximum cruise speed.
QTM9311.ZIP 369741 11-19-93 Quality Trend Monitoring by Month 9311 (Bob
| Obenchain, Ph.D., reg. fee: $0) is a dBASE,
| Clipper, and C-language application that
| quantifies the long range impact of process
| deviations from their intended target value
| using any Cost-of-Poor-Quality function from
| 10 general families.
SWATER.ZIP 828902 11-10-93 Storm Water Management 4.0 (Ron Eaglin, reg.
| fee: $58) is a set of programs for
| stormwater management.